FEAR Patch 1.07 (alle Versionen)

FEAR Patch 1.07 (alle Versionen)FEAR Patch 1.07 für alle Sprachversionen (Global Patch)

* Added Friends List functionality to the main Multiplayer options menu.
* The FEAR.exe executable has been split into two parts, FEAR.exe and FEARMP.exe to be compatible with F.E.A.R. Combat. The only differences users will notice is a short pause when switching from single player to multiplayer and vice versa, and the change in desktop and Start Menu shortcuts.
* Team autobalancing has been added to the options for multiplayer team games. The new options are the last few entries in the game mode options menu. They are set to be off by default. Teams can be autobalanced up to every quarter round by team size, and up to every round by score. The score ratio used for autobalancing is also adjustable.
* Added Favorite Servers option on server browser screen. Servers can be added to the favorites list by selecting them in the server browser menu and clicking the add to favorites button.
* Added support for the Message of the Day. This can be accessed from the "Message of the Day" option on the main server browser screen.
* Added in-game option to mute selected players in Chat. This is accessed from the main in-game menu screen.
* Changed minimum player requirements for votes to succeed. If fewer players than the set minimum are on the server, a unanimous vote will be allowed to suceed.
* In-game graphics for votes have been modified to better show when they are starting and underway.
* Players and teams can now receive points for picking up or stealing the enemy flag in CTF. This option can be set from the CTF and Slowmo CTF game options screens.
* Added two new DM/Control maps, Stockpile and Waterworks.
* Added a new CTF/Conquer All map, Depot.
* Details for standard information such as player names, version, and mod can be displayed for server versions other than the current game client.
* Added options to the version filter. Available options are now "All", "Same Version", "Same Mod", and "Same Version and Mod".
* Fixed a bug where the server message and briefing override strings would sometimes display a null character instead of a carriage return.
* Added server option to allow setting a time delay for how long a player must wait between calling votes.
* Added support for a special NavMarker icon to designate the flag carrier to his or her teammates in CTF.
* Added indicators to the Team selection screen in MP to display the current team scores and make the current player count more obvious.
* Made the end of round delay timers for round ending and scoreboard visibility adjustable in the server options.
* Updated some MP HUD elements to scale at higher resolutions.

Download fear_update_en_100-106_107.exe

Prey Demo Online

Prey Demo OnlinePrey erzählt die Geschichte von Tommy, einem Cherokee, der in seinem Reservat festsitzt. Er gibt nicht viel auf seine indianische Herkunft und fühlt sich bei seinen Leuten auch nicht zu Hause – im Gegensatz zu seiner Freundin Jen, die bei ihrem Stamm bleiben möchte. Seine Versuche, Jen zu überreden, mit ihm fort zu gehen, waren stets erfolglos, doch eines Abends wird sein Wunsch erfüllt – allerdings ganz anders, als Tommy es sich vorgestellt hatte…

Prey bietet einen anspruchsvollen Ego Shooter im Quake Stiel.

Hier gehts zur 449MB großen Prey Demo

Hier gehts zum detailierten Preview Bericht

Prey Demo

Prey DemoPrey 3d Shooter Demo

Prey erzählt die Geschichte von Tommy, einem Cherokee, der in seinem Reservat festsitzt. Er gibt nicht viel auf seine indianische Herkunft und fühlt sich bei seinen Leuten auch nicht zu Hause – im Gegensatz zu seiner Freundin Jen, die bei ihrem Stamm bleiben möchte. Seine Versuche, Jen zu überreden, mit ihm fort zu gehen, waren stets erfolglos, doch eines Abends wird sein Wunsch erfüllt – allerdings ganz anders, als Tommy es sich vorgestellt hatte…

Download SetupPreyDemo.exe


ACTIONPrey erzählt die Geschichte von Tommy, einem Cherokee, der in seinem Reservat festsitzt. Er gibt nicht viel auf seine indianische Herkunft und fühlt sich bei seinen Leuten auch nicht zu Hause – im Gegensatz zu seiner Freundin Jen, die bei ihrem Stamm bleiben möchte. Seine Versuche, Jen zu überreden, mit ihm fort zu gehen, waren stets erfolglos, doch eines Abends wird sein Wunsch erfüllt – allerdings ganz anders, als Tommy es sich vorgestellt hatte…

Tommy, Jen, sein Großvater und viele andere Menschen werden von einem gewaltigen Alienschiff entführt, das im Orbit auftaucht. Tommy kann sich befreien und streift nun durch das geheimnisvolle, organische Schiff, in dem verzweifelten Versuch, sich selbst, seine Freundin und vielleicht auch die ganze Welt zu retten.

Doch bevor er sein Ziel erreichen kann, muss er erst mit seiner Herkunft ins Reine kommen und seine indianischen Wurzeln akzeptieren, denn ohne die spirituellen Kräfte seines Volkes ist Tommy verloren…


* Endlich frischer Wind im Shooter-Genre: Wall-Walking und atemberaubende Schwerkraft-Tricks lassen die Spieler Bauklötze staunen.
* Auch die Portale stellen alles bisher da gewesene in den Schatten: Durch sie können nicht nur Gegner aus dem Nichts erscheinen, es eröffnet auch zahlreiche neue Strategien und Spielmöglichkeiten.
* Der Multiplayermodus nützt alle Vorteile des innovativen Gameplays: So lassen sich Granaten durch die Portale dem Mitspieler direkt vor die Füße werfen. Oder der Gegner läuft an der Decke entlang und nimmt Sie ins Kreuzfeuer? Einfach die Schwerkraft umdrehen und er findet sich recht schnell auf dem Boden der Tatsachen wieder.
* Das ganze Raumschiff ist ein lebender Organismus, und die Optik vermittelt dies auch sehr eindrücklich. Möglich wird dies durch eine stark verbesserte Doom-3-Engine.

Humanhead Studios

Distant Guns Demo

Distant Guns DemoGroße Seegefechte mit taktischem Anspruch können in der Demo von Distant Guns ausgefochten werden.

Download DistantGuns_Demo.zip

Faces of War Demo Online


Faces of War

Heroes of Might and Magic V – Update 1.2 von 1.1 DVD

 	Heroes of Might and Magic V - Update 1.2 von 1.1 DVDUbisoft (DVD Version)
Bevor Sie dieses Update installieren können müssen Sie Update 1.1 installiert haben!

Beim Laden eines gespeicherten Spiels einer älteren Version, werden einige Fixes erst nach Neustart der Map verfügbar sein.

Neue Features:

– Extended tool tips for buildings on the adventure map.
– Melee attack performed when holding CTRL.
– A hotkey (R) to invoke the creature-hiring interface from any town interface.
– All creatures now have a new status (Range), describing the range at which the creature's attack is halved.
– A new Video Option: Camera Mode.
– A new End of Combat interface.
– Hot-seat duel mode.
– Hall of Fame.
– Two new maps: 'Last Hope' and 'War of The Worlds'.


– Multiplayer now works correctly.
– Various textual mistakes (descriptions, missing objectives, and messages) were corrected.
– Balance was tuned on the following maps: 'The Conquest', 'The Attack', 'The Invasion', 'The Cultists', 'The Triumvirate', 'Defiance', 'Island of One's Own'.
– AI can no longer hire Haven heroes on 'The Fall of the King' map.
– On 'The Fall of the King' map, the area where Godric is to be brought to fulfil the 'Send Godric to Nicolai' task has been enlarged.
– On 'The Cultists' map, the 'Capture any town in one week' task no longer disappears from the list immediately upon completion instead of becoming completed.
– On 'The Temptation' map, if the enemy Wizard patrolling the river is killed, the 'Avoid enemy patrols' objective will no longer be automatically completed.
– On 'The Refugees' map, one of the objectives was fixed.
– On the 'Dragon Pass' map, the 'Defeat All' task is now specified.
– On 'The Triumvirate' map, after Zehir's fight with Markal, the message 'You Lost' no longer appears.
– On 'The March' map, the hero Grawl can now visit the red key master tent.
– On the 'Liberation' map, the AI can no longer hire the hero Narxes.
– On 'The Alliance' map, the use of the Instant Travel spell no longer causes the script failure.
– On the 'Diplomat' map, losing to AI with the Quick Combat option now fails the mission.
– On the 'Maahir's Gambit' map, the AI cannot seize any of the artefacts that are key to the task's completion.
– On 'The Refugees' map, a possible problem with non-completion of the main objective was fixed.
– On the 'Raelag's Offer' map, the game no longer hangs if Isabel or Markal lose to neutral creatures.
– 'The Emerald One' map can now be played after loading a saved game.
– On 'The Refugee' map, a possible problem with gaining the Dragon Teeth Necklace artefact was fixed.
– The Black Dragons can now be healed by the First Aid Tents.
– The model of Shadya was corrected.
– When Gating is used, the clone will no longer be a normal creature.
– Incorrect message in the 'Rumours' interface in the Tavern was fixed.
– The game now renews the list of sessions in the lobby after the player has left the session.
– Unreachable Dolmen of Knowledge was fixed on the 'Land of Outcasts' map.
– A non-activated dialogue cutscene was fixed on the 'A Tear for Ossir' map.
– Mages and Archmages now use their shot ability properly.
– Gating works for a lone Horned Overseer now.
– The ATB-bar now shows proper information about the turns queue.
– The problem fixed with the bottom part of buildings models in the Preserve appears through the water.
– When an Archangel dies of 'Harm Touch', he no longer remains hanging over the field.
– In Time Pressing mode, the time is now shown.
– Texts are no longer duplicated in the chat after leaving the combat.
– The puzzle map now works correctly in the Underworld.
– The problem with the incorrectly positioned camera at one of the Grass arenas was fixed.
– The player can no longer gain two levels of the same skill with one Level-Up.
– Summoned creatures are no longer shown in the Combat Results calculations.
– Time overlaps with the icon in Dynamic Battle.
– The 'Resisted' inscription now appears in the right place.
– On 'The Betrayal' map, there is no longer a message when approaching the garrison.
– Vampires and Vampire Lords no longer restore their health when attacking Undead creatures.
– Heroes now move with the correct sound at x3 speed.
– Lethos now uses his Decay ability properly.
– It is now much easier to move the cursor to objects.
– The user can no longer hear the opponents by using Monolith.
– The hero in the Haven town garrison now gains weekly movement bonus from Stables.
– The Sphinx' text box was changed.
– The player starting the game with the Random Hero option can no longer have a hero already selected by another player.
– In the multiplayer game, if one of the players quits while the map is being loaded, the other players can start their session anyway.
– The message which appears when a combat is lost to Possessed creatures was corrected.
– A Hero leaving a town no longer returns there immediately as sometimes occurred.
– The Sparkling Fountain now correctly gives Luck +2.
– Objects on the map now have correct tool tips.
– Description of the Silent Stalker perk was fixed.
– The hero Sinitar now has an accurate description of his 'Catalyst' ability.
– The Deep Hydra now restores its health completely.
– The error in the description of the Idol of Fortune was fixed.
– The spell 'Weakness' is correctly explained in the tool tip.
– The hero is no longer able to take troops from allies.
– With faster hero movement settings, other map animations are no longer accelerated.
– The text was formatted in the 'Ritual Pit' interface.
– The Scouts' and Assassins' 'No Range Penalty' are contrary to fact.
– Problem with creatures overlapping with fragments of ruined fortifications at the siege arena was fixed.
– The Dragon Bone Greaves artefact now gives initiative bonus to melee-fighting creatures.
– Damage prediction was corrected.
– The error in how the 'Frenzy' spell works was fixed.
– The error in how the 'Puppet Master' spell works was fixed.
– Numerous minor defects and bugs were fixed.

Download heroes_might_magic_5_1.02_eu.exe

Darkstar One – Update 1.1

Darkstar One - Update 1.1Neben wichtigen Bugfixes wurden auch einige neue Features in den Patch eingebracht, allen voran können sich zum Beispiel nun die Joystick-Spieler um eine komplett überarbeitete Steuerung freuen, es gibt zwei neue Schwierigkeitsgrade für die anspruchsvollen Spieler, sowie zahlreiche weitere ¨nderungen, um den Spielspaß noch weiter zu erhöhen!

¨nderungen gegenüber Version 1.0


Faces of War – Demo

Faces of War - DemoUbisofts Faces of War – Demo


Faces of War

WOW Flugtiere Trailer

WOW Flugtiere TrailerDas Addon Burning Crusade zu dem Onlinerollenspiel World of Warcraft wirft seine Schatten voraus.

Eine der wichtigsten Neuerungen ist die Einführung von fliegenden Reittieren.
Einen ersten Eindruck könnt Ihr euch in diesem kleinen Trailer holen.

WoW Flugtier Trailer downloaden